Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Morals Were Shaped Through The Creation Stories

How morals were shaped through the creation stories in the book of Genesis â€Å"The first principle of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all reality hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe just abiding as the physical laws† (Martin Luther King Jr.). Everyone around the world, regardless of gender, race, religion, and political views are defined by their own moral compass. The decisions that people make are heavily influenced by their own unique moral compass that was shaped through the culture and societal norms exposed around them. In particular, the book Genesis describes the creation of man and through their creation, brings forth the ideal†¦show more content†¦However, this creation story raises multiple questions regarding Huynh 2 morality in today s contemporary beliefs. Before, people may blindly take it that God is always right and that we should obey Him because we will be severely punished if we disobey. Now, people in general have become more open minded and analytical with what they read. For instance, the story depicts that the reason why Adam and Eve were punished because they ate the fruit that gave them knowledge of right and wrong. However, Adam and Eve did not know the difference between right and wrong before eating the fruit. For example, after eating the fruit, Adam and Eve knew it was wrong for them to be naked and tried to cover themselves. So was it right for God to punish Adam and Eve when they did not know that it was right or wrong to disobey Him? Is it moral to punish those who do not understand what is right and wrong, much less differentiate the two? In fact, the first story in Genesis shows how destructive God can be to those who do not obey His commands which raises question s about morality to the reader. Depending on the reader s interpretation, the story influences their moral compass. Several interpretations could be: â€Å"It is morally wrong to disobey God and to disobey God means we will face dire consequences† or â€Å"It is morally wrong to disobey God, but was it unjust for God to punish those who are ignorant of what is

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